About Us

We are a Community Benefit Society based in east Birmingham with a mission to create social justice by building strong local economies.

Our projects are designed to deliver on our core mission. As a member based organisation we are keen to develop a strong and vibrant network of collaborators with a common purpose of creating fairer and more equitable local economies in the neighbourhoods we are active in.

We currently work across east Birmingham but are not limited to this geography and over time we will expand our offer across Birmingham and the wider region. We are active members of Economic Justice Alliance convened by the Barrow Cadbury Trust as well as the Birmingham Anchor Network (steering group) convened by the Centre for Local Economic Strategies.

Our Mission

To build strong local economies in neighbourhoods suffering from disadvantage and deprivation by creating better access to good jobs and careers and promoting opportunities for inclusive economic development.

Creating social justice through strong local economies.

Our Team

We deliver our projects through an associate model of delivery. Our associates are recruited for a period of up to two years on our register. They have leading-edge skills and experience in relevant fields connected to our mission and project delivery. Our CEO is Ifor Jones who has extensive experience in public service delivery around the themes of community regeneration and economic justice.


Loconomy is a Community Benefit Society (CBS), a membership organisation whose purpose is entirely for the benefit of the community. As a new CBS our membership is currently comprises the founding members making up our board. We will be developing this model and building up our membership over the forthcoming period.


Open to any individual 16+

Simple application process

  • Conversation with Board members

  • Reason for application

  • Explore interest and experience in community economic development

  • Statement of support of Loconomy’s Mission, Strategic Aims and Values


Open to constituted not-for-profit organisations and public sector institutions

  • Of particular interest to organisations involved in community economic development, community wealth building and social economy innovation

  • Organisations are asked to nominate an individual as their representative